Computer Based 8085 Simulator
Aim of Project: -
Our Project try to provide a Computer Based 8085 Simulator. Our Simulator is software, which provides a fully functioned 8085 Microprocessor based instruction set.
Abstract: -
* It is completely PC based software, which does not require any extra hardware such as 8085 kit.
* It contains special instruction set window through which user can input an instruction.
* Brief history of 8085 Microprocessor and their instruction set.
* It provides the contents of each Register, Flag and Stack after execution of each instruction.
Brief description of project:-
This software will provide the fully functioned PC based 8085 Simulator. This software is made for such people who study 8085 microprocessor. All the instructions are provided on a separate window. As all the users are not Computer trained, we have provided user-friendly environment to input an instruction by clicking the commands on the instruction window. The program can be executed by clicking RUN command.
One by one each instruction will be taken and executed and also the flags or registers will be updated if necessary. The execution will be carried on till the compiler gets the HALT instruction. After completion of execution of the program, a separate window containing Flag status, Result and other necessary data will be displayed.
To cure the problem (if any) we have also provided HELP topic to solve the problem. The contents of HELP will contain all the information about instructions & 8085 microprocessor history. This will also contain opcodes of each instruction; their memory requirement and type of addressing modes.
1. Viraj R. Kulkarni
2. Nirav N. Kulkarni
3. Rohit D. Lambi
4. Sujit S. Kallurkar
Guide of this Project
Prof. Karpe
We are very thankful Solapur Education Societies Polytechnic, Computer Dept for guiding us. We are speacialy thankful Prof. V. A. Kulkarni.
Note:- For any queries ask the developer of the project.